My view of the world, one photo at a time...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Te Papa and downtown (post Hobbit)

I went to Te Papa today.  Te Papa Tongawera is the museum of New Zealand and it really is amazing. I got there shortly after opening and spent the majority of the day there and in downtown Wellington.  If I had unlimited funds, I'd bring you all something back, but, alas, there is no PowerBall here (or I would have won - at least something because 4 of the 6 numbers are staples in my lottery number stable).  Oh, well, such is life!

Unfortunately I felt a migraine coming on and had to head home a little before I really wanted to, but I did get some great photos with the iPhone - and some crazy videos of people jumping into Wellington Harbor.  OK, to be fair, there is a ladder with platforms built specifically for the purpose of jumping in to a section of the harbor that has had all obstacles cleared so it is safe.  It was fun to watch people overcome their fear and make the leap.  *I* would never do it, but more power to them! OK, maybe I would do it, but not on a day when the winds were blowing at about 20-25mph, and the temp was hovering around 55 degrees! 

OK, on to photos!
