My view of the world, one photo at a time...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Te Papa and downtown (post Hobbit)

I went to Te Papa today.  Te Papa Tongawera is the museum of New Zealand and it really is amazing. I got there shortly after opening and spent the majority of the day there and in downtown Wellington.  If I had unlimited funds, I'd bring you all something back, but, alas, there is no PowerBall here (or I would have won - at least something because 4 of the 6 numbers are staples in my lottery number stable).  Oh, well, such is life!

Unfortunately I felt a migraine coming on and had to head home a little before I really wanted to, but I did get some great photos with the iPhone - and some crazy videos of people jumping into Wellington Harbor.  OK, to be fair, there is a ladder with platforms built specifically for the purpose of jumping in to a section of the harbor that has had all obstacles cleared so it is safe.  It was fun to watch people overcome their fear and make the leap.  *I* would never do it, but more power to them! OK, maybe I would do it, but not on a day when the winds were blowing at about 20-25mph, and the temp was hovering around 55 degrees! 

OK, on to photos!

The Hobbit premiere

So I suppose it is required that I speak of my day Wednesday or some friends may shoot me...

Wednesday (Nov. 28th) was the World Premiere of Sir Peter Jackson's new movie The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.  No, I did not go to the premiere itself, but I did join the masses for the experience.  Got to Courtnay Place (downtown Wellington) at about 11:30am and joined in the festivities.  Also know as standing around for hours waiting for something to happen.  Hey, it is film after all  (my friends that know anything about the industry will understand)!  Met some nice people, saw a lot of dressed up people, and took a lot of pictures.  I will not upload them all here - they are ALL on Facebook, and if you don't have an account there, I'll show them all to you next time I see you.  I will give you a few highlights:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lazy days...

Been a lazy few days here in Wellington. I went for a walk on the Eastern Walkway yesterday. It runs behind Kirstie's house and goes all the way out to the lookout point at the end of Miramar Peninsula. Okay, I'm only guessing it goes there because God knows I didn't make it that far! As I said in an earlier blog, everything in New Zealand is uphill both ways, so my outta shape self doesn't get too far before reminding myself it will be uphill going back too... But I did take some pictures.
